Back Pain and How it Can Be Prevented

Causes of Back Pain

Ability Rehabilitation back-painThere are two basic classifications of back pain; acute back pain and chronic pain. Acute back pain occurs over a short period of time, lasting several days to several weeks. An acute injury is generally caused by a sudden trauma to the spine such as a sports injury, car accident, lifting injury, or even just work around the house or in the garden. Chronic back pain is pain that occurs for a period of time lasting for 3 months or more. Chronic pain is often times progressive over time and the cause is often times difficult to determine. Chronic lower back pain is the most common form of back pain because the lower back supports most of the body weight and this is often caused by improper posture.

Treatment of Back Pain

Symptoms of back pain range from muscle soreness, stabbing and shooting pains, loss of flexibility and strength, and an inability to stand and walk upright. These symptoms sometimes resolve on their own with over the counter anti-inflammatory medications and rest; however often times back injuries require professional medical treatment to aid in recovery. It is beneficial to seek treatment as soon as possible after a back injury occurs in order to learn proper techniques to resolve your symptoms and prevent a recurring injury. Physical therapists have been treating various types of back injuries for decades and are highly knowledgeable about the spine. If you are suffering from any form of back pain, physical therapy can help you. Ask your physician or contact Ability Rehabilitation.

Prevention of Back Pain

Participating in a regular exercise routine in order to keep your back muscles strong is by far the best way to prevent a back injury. Exercises that open up the spaces in your spinal column, strengthen the upper and lower abdominals, lower back, and buttocks muscles, and stretch the muscles in the hips and back are the best types of exercises to perform. It is a good idea to seek advice from a physical therapist in order to learn the correct exercises and to be sure that you do them correctly. Eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight are also extremely important to keep your bones strong and avoid excess stress and strain on your back. Practicing good posture and supporting your back properly is essential to maintain a healthy spine as well.