How To Prevent Back Pain in Your Child
That’s right! Believe it or not, there is quite a prevalence of back pain in children! Recent research has shown that more than 50% of youths will experience at least one episode of back pain before their teen years and that this increase in incidence could, in part, be due to the improper use of backpacks. Physical therapists have seen a recent increase in young children with back pain and believe that this is partly due to kids spending more time on computers and video games, which can lead to poor posture.
Things to look for in a safe backpack:
Lightweight: Do not exceed 10% of a child’s body weight. Wide Padded Straps and Padded Back, Waist Strap: Wide straps and waist strap allow for a more even weight distribution, padding on straps and back allows comfort. Separate Compartments: Organized & keeps load in its place. Size: The pack should not be larger than the child’s back.
Did you know that up to 64% of children have suffered from back pain?! Is your child one of them?